Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sleep apnea treatments - There CPAP alternatives?

!9# Sleep apnea treatments - There CPAP alternatives?

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Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder, are found in much of the U.S. population, and is about 18 million people affected. CPAP (Constant Positive Airway Pressure) is a treatment that is used regularly to manage the disorder. The CPAP system uses a small air compressor to maintain a constant flow of pressurized air to provide the patient's airway. This helps reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea.

This flow of air at positive pressure works pretty well to the airway during sleep to keep it clear andreduces the probability of obstruction, when the soft tissues of the mouth and throat collapse. One of the transgressions of CPAP therapy is that it can be very uncomfortable for the patient, the mask is under pressure to breathe a little work and the flow of air can dry the throat. But there are a number of CPAP alternatives, and this article will look at some of them.

One of the easiest ways is to use CPAP therapy position data as non-invasive treatment. This is simply theAct to change the position of the patient's sleep to help. There are a number of products that can help, special wedges of foam pillows and T-shirts, the position is that the patient can not sleep together

By tilting the body slightly, the effect of gravity on the soft tissues of the neck is changed and the tissues are less likely to block the airway. The position is often used therapy for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea needs a different approach fromAnd 'the inability of the brain, respiration, which is central to this form of the disease regularly. But when combined with additional treatments, therapy can also help to position the central module of the disease.

BiPAP therapy will be used as an alternative to CPAP. BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure), such as CPAP, positive airway pressure in sleep apnea creates suffering helps you breathe. The great thing is that BiPAP breathing of the patient and monitorsreduces the airflow when the patient exhales, breathing much easier. Sun BiPAP provides a treatment as effective as CPAP treated obstructive sleep apnea and central, and makes the process much more comfortable breathing for the user. A win-win situation. However, there is another type of sleep apnea called complex sleep apnea. Both CPAP and BiPAP systems are less effective in the treatment of this disease.

ASV (Adaptive servo-ventilation) is a treatment that is similarBiPAP. Especially in the treatment of complex sleep apnea ASV (adaptive servo-ventilation) used is still an experimental therapy, but the results are excellent. Even if approved by the FDA ASV is still considered experimental, because it's not that many published results, but they are becoming.

These are just some of the alternatives to CPAP. Many patients do well, but not for everyone. Consult your doctor to find, to try to the best treatment that is rightfor you, with improved results and fewer side effects.

Sleep apnea treatments - There CPAP alternatives?

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